Friday 14 June 2013

View of Schevenigen from Wassenaarseslag, (Large)

Gezicht op Schevenigen vanaf Wassenaarseslag, grote
oil on canvas, 60 x 130cm
painted on location on 5 occasions
27 May - 12 June 2013

The weather lately has not been supporting me that much to get this work done. A large size canvas to be working on outdoors, and especially that I am rather close to the shoreline in order to get this perspective, it has been somewhat of a challenge. However the days that I did get out there, on location, was such a pleasure, with the Sun warming everything, hopefully it is finally here to stay for a few weeks at least! I do my best to get an accurate as possible picture, below 2 images to give you a closer look at the details. If you look carefully you can see the turquoise copula of the famous Kuirhuis in Scheveningen, a little to the right of that is the red lighthouse also a landmark. Then even further to the right you can get a close look at the 3 mast sail ship 'de Eendracht'.

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