Wednesday 26 May 2010

Sunny beach scene, North Holland.

"There is nothing ugly; I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may, – light, shade, and perpective will always make it beautiful." *

Zonnig strandgezicht,Wijk Aan Zee, NH
oil on canvas
40 x 100 cm
painted on location - Monday 24 May 2010

This scene you are viewing can certainly testify to that quote from the famous 19th century English landscape painter. 24 hours of ideal sunny weather is slowly coming to a close. In the distance, a darkening sky filled with warm grey vapourous hues, the ceiling covered by scattering patches of clouds, swiftly making there way inland. Yet that ever welcomed celestial blue sky affords this strech of beach with a warm comforting light. Il pittore, as usuall on location, as clearly demonstrated in the snapshot below, synchronously captures the situation at hand. Just two hours later, the whole beach, sea and sky was completely covered in sea vapour, visibility limited to 35 meters. Characterized by high dunes and beach houses, Wijk Aan Zee, is cherished by Amsterdam city dwellers.

"The sky is the source of light in Nature and it governs everything."
*John Constable

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