Wednesday 14 August 2024

Life, Fun and adventure at the Quite Beach, The Hague

Strandslag 10, Westduinpark, DH
oil on canvas - 40 x 100 cm
painted on location - Tues. 06 Aug 2024


Invitation to fun and adventure, and why not? Especially for the little ones, and at this specific location for our four legged furry friends, who dart off like a bullet down that pathway to the beach, when they finally get unleashed from their owners. Most people like to come here as it's not so busy as a little further North where you have the Scheveningen beach. 

Strandleven zomer 2024, de Stillestrand, DH
oil on canvas - 20 x 140 cm
painted on location - 02 Aug 2024

€ 975

Of course the beach is always much busier than what you see it in the painting.  However as this is a painting and as such it takes about 2 or 3 hours to complete.  When I get started the scene is not nearly as busy as compared to when I finish.   What I strive for is to give the viewer some kind of indication as to the view being depicted. So one gets a sense of the size and spaciousness of the location.

Haagse Kustzeil Vereniging, HKZV
oil on canvas - 50 x 60 cm
painted on location - 30 July 2024

€ 975

A recurring theme with me, painting of this brilliantly colored object on the Quite beach. And why not, makes for a great composition on this immense wide beach, breaking up the horizontal bleakness with  masts shouting way up into the sky.  The colors of the catamarans work well, a few people scattered here and there, the day is starting to take shape and I'm about to wrap up another plien-air painting.

Low tide, fun for kids

oil on canvas - 40 x 120 cm
Painted on location - 29 July 2024

€ 1250

Kids love it when the water is so low, they can run in it for hours. Splashing water at each other, giggling, and just having a jolly old time. This is such a large work, that I had to work on it on two occasions. It's loaded with suttle details, this kind of painting is much more appreciated when looking at it in the real. 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

The Sea and the beach, The Hague's top location.

Sailing in the Sunset
oil on canvas - 50 x 40 cm
painted on location - 6 June 2024


Here you have an example of a painting I had made about two years earlier, but was not content with the overall look of that work. So the canvas was just shelved until I took it off the shelve and on to the easel at the same location. The result of the 2nd attempt is what you see in this posting.

The Quite Beach, The Hague
oil on canvas - 30 x 40 cm
painted on location - 15 July 2024
€ 425

Arrived at the beach nice and early to create this scene. Actually I was on location to further develop the painting shown just below this one. The crowds still not at the beach, so whilst waiting, I was lucky enough to have this canvas ready to be painted on. . 

Cool fun on a hot day at the beach,
oil on canvas - 40 x 120 cm
painted on location - on 3 occasions 29 April /15 July/18 July 2024


Summer is finally here, people have dropped whatever it is they were doing, packed up their beach gear, and off they went to enjoy the overwhelming warm temperatures at the beach. The cool breezes coming off the fresh cold North Sea water is actually much appreciated. Today at this location, next painting I'll be set up with my feet in the water! 


Fishing at The North Sea

Vissen op de Noordzee
Oil on canvas - 15 x 30 cm
painted on location - 4 June 2024

€ 245

Off the southern harbor head, close the green harbor light, you can always find, men casting their fishing rods into the waters of The North Sea. It is a good place to go, as you get far enough out from the coastline without having to be on a boat. I have painted on many occasions off the harbor head or as they say in Dutch havenhoofd. usually depicting various views of the Sea. I particularly like the color range in this little painting, warm and cool greens in a delicate balance.. 

Thursday 30 May 2024

Beach Entrance #10, Westduinpark, The Hague

Strandslag 10, Westduinpark, DH
oil on canvas - 30 x 40 cm
painted on location - Sun 28 April 2024


A bit too windy for me to be making a painting on the beach, so the next best thing to do was make a painting leading to the beach! The colors were fantastic thanks to the sunlight and shadows created on the water of partially cloudy sky. While I was working, a wild dune rabbit dashed across the road leading to the beach, right in front of me,  thus that inspired me to paint him in, checking me out in his still stance. 

Tuesday 16 April 2024

South Beach, The Hague with highwind

 Zuiderstrand met hoge wind 
oil on canvas - 15 x 30 cm
painted on location - Fri 12 April 2024


I had to find a spot out of the wind to make this little painting on location. Those kite surfers are having a blast, as the wind was thrusting them about just enough to make it worth their effort to be on the water. Still early in the season, thus the beach seems rather empty, however nice to sit in the warm strand pavilions and take in the view.

Inner Harbour Scheveningen

Tweede Haven, Scheveningen voorjaar 2024
oil on canvas - 40 x 100 cm
painted on location -  8 times ( 06/07/23 - 10/5/24)


This was a mega project to undertake, however as it's not the first time I am painting this scenery, I had some advantage. The thing about this composition is that it is so busy with all those yachts and sailboats with there masts climbing to enormous heights. However not only what's happening on the water but what takes place on the land. All those buildings, man, all that detail to consider. For the most part I choose to merely suggest the details such as the balconies and windows. It would have been just too much for the human eye to digest. Lastly let's not overlook what's happening in the sky. Those luscious Dutch clouds, of which Holland is renowned for, is most likely what inspired me to render this view in such a manner. Winter has just slipped away, promises of warm delightful summer days are guaranteed, this is merely a sign of what is to come! Enjoy the view.   

Monday 18 March 2024

Second Harbor, Scheveningen under Mist


Tweede Haven, Scheveningen mit Mist
oil on canvas - 30 x 40 cm
painted on location - Wed 06 March 2024


I love being on location when the mist rolls in like this, seemingly out of nowhere! But of course we know it comes from the Sea, which is just on the other side of those buildings on the horizon, a bit to the right.  Makes the whole scenery mysterious, allowing for ones imagination to take flight.  

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Something different for a change

Wachten op haar baasje , bij De Smidse, ZL
oil on wood panel - 22 x 30 cm
painted on location -  Sat 20 Jan 2024

Luckily for me I happened to be at this location on the, up till now the only days that we have had snow in Holland. Have been visiting this quaint hotel on a number of occasions in the past several years, however this was the first time with all that fluffy white stuff on the ground. A favorite hotel by many people, especially dog owners, as their beloved pets are allowed to stay in the hotel as well. 
ouderwetse boerderij, Doetichem, NL
oil on canvasboard - 24 x 30 cm
painted on location - 27 Dec 2023

€ 375

Koeien in de stal, op de ouderwetse boerderij
oil on canvas - 30 x 40 cm
painted on location - 18 Dec 2023

€ 375

These paintings are both made at the same location, with some further work on them in the studio. In Holland who doesn't like a painting with cows as the subject? Answer, nobody. They are cow crazy in this country, I'm not kidding you.  Anyway was fun to join my plein air painter friend Rene, who lives just a stones throw away from this old fashion farm., I loved it, and am looking forward to returning.


A warm summer memory, on South Beach

 een warme zomerherinnering op Zuiderstrand , DH
oil on canvas - 30 x 120 cm
painted on location - 6 Aug 2022 / reworked in studio Jan 2024


Although I prefer to work on location in front of the subject matter, occasionally I alter paintings made aux plein air in the studio. It's fun to do, because one has to use stretch ones imagination, and often invent things that may or may have not been at the original location. I have also published the 1st version of this painting at the bottom of the text, thus one can in comparing the two, for better or for worse, see the changes made. Naturally, one hopes for the better!   

Wednesday 24 January 2024

Beach Entrance in the winter & a windy Sea


Strandslag #10 s'winters
oil on canvas - 30 x 40 cm
painted on location - 06 Jan 2024


First seascape painting of the beach for 2024! I was inspired by the untidy natural entrance to the beach. Normally it is clean of the sand, thus cars and trucks could drive down the concrete plates to the beach  to delivery goods and such.  We have been having stormy weather lately, so you can see for yourself that the sand gets blown around and starts to form dunes in a matter of days. Of course the seagulls love to be tossed around by the wind, thus had to include them blowing about.

A windy seascape
oil on canvas - 20 x 30 cm
painted on location - 16 Sept 2023


Made this near the end of the summer last year, for some reason forgot to publish it on my blog. Anyway a quick warm up small format painting, as later on that afternoon I tackled a large format 50 x 120 cm painting. A simple composition, sky and water, with the details showing some variation in movement, of the clouds for example. A large three mast sailboat on the horizon, indicates high wind conditions, perfect for sailing.

Thursday 5 October 2023

Beach entrance #11, South Beach, The Hague

Strandslag 11, bij Zuid
oil on canvas - 60 x 80 cm
painted on location - 26 Sept 2023

A theme I have worked on many times over the years. And why not, who doesn't find this view of the North Sea, inviting and welcoming? Keeping the composition simple and not too crowded, a nice sky, partially open, very little wind, perfect lighting, just makes one want to stop and enjoy the view if nothing else.

Beach paviljoen De Staat #1 & #2

Strandpaviljoen De Staat, na zomer #2,
oil on canvas - 50 x 120 cm
painted on location - Sat 16 Sept 2023

Strandpaviljoen De Staat, na zomer #1,
oil on canvas - 50 x 100 cm
painted on location -  9 Sept 2023
Private collection, The Hague

My favorite beach cafe by far, have been making most of my seascapes in the vicinity of this location. I can keep my 3m parasol stored at this cafe, thus saving me the inconvenience of taking it back and forth. The first version was a commission that I made with pleasure, in fact liked it so much I decided to make another one shortly there after thus #2 came about. As you can see there are a lot of similarities, however composition differs upon close observation.

The sitting Sun over the quite beach


Zonondergang over de stillestrand,
oil on canvas - 50 x 100cm
painted on location - 28 Aug 2023

Ir's amazing what one actually sees when one takes the time to really observe the North Sea.  The colors in the sky, the reflections on the water, and the hovering clouds. Summer is coming to an end, this shows up in my painting by the ever present spectacular cloud formations. Which was indeed my inspiration for creating this painting. Everything changes so fast at this time of the evening, there really is no time to waste, and working from memory is necessary.

Tuesday 12 September 2023

South Beach, the quite beach, the nicest beach 5 times

Zuiderstrand op een mooie nazomersdag
oil on canvas - 30 x 150 cm
painted on location -  31 Aug 2023

Zuiderstrand op een mooie nazomersdag avond #1
oil on canvas - 30 x 150 cm
painted on location -  23 Aug 2023

Zuiderstrand op een mooie zomersdag in de ochtend
oil on canvas - 30 x 150 cm
painted on location -  17  Aug 2023

Zuiderstrand op een mooie zomersdag in de avond
oil on canvas - 30 x 150 cm
painted on location -  17  Aug 2023

Zuiderstrand op een mooie nazomersdag avond #2
oil on canvas - 30 x 150 cm
painted on location -  7 Sept 2023

Have embarked on a series of works from this beach scenery. Always fun to do, especially when there are so many people coming by to have a look and strike up a conversation. Most painters don't like that but I rather welcome it, as one never knows  i might be talking with a potential customer. 

Monday 11 September 2023

The Sea, #1,2,3 and 4

de zee eindelijk vrijheid en ruimte, #4
The perfect day for sailing waves
oil on linen - 20 x 140 cm
painted on location - 24 Sept. 2023

de zee eindelijk vrijheid en ruimte, #3
The Roaring Wave
oil on linen - 20 x 140 cm
painted on location - 8 August 2023

de zee eindelijk vrijheid en ruimte, #2
The Whispering wave
oil on linen - 20 x 140 cm
painted on location - 6 May 2023

de zee eindelijk vrijheid en ruimte, #1
The rolling wave
oil on canvas - 20 x 140 cm
painted on location - 26 April 2023
€ 975

I decided to embark on this subject and format once again, after several years of not working on this subject/format. Characterized by a high horizon line, and the waves breaking at the foreground. I will be making  paintings of this view, of course all of them will be different, as that is also a quality of the Sea, never the same view twice. Could be simular, but never the exact view twice! 

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Kites, surfers and clouds at South Beach, DH

Kites, bathers and clouds at South Beach, DH
oil on canvas - 40 x 80 cm
painted on location - 22 July 2023


Kites, surfers and clouds at South Beach, DH
oil on canvas - 40 x 120 cm
painted on location -  25 July 2023 


These paintings were made in the same week, thus decided to post them together. Lovely clouds worthy of painting, thus that is probably the reason I was out there! I always like to include a bit of beach life on these scenes, not too much mind you, as it gives the viewer an indication of the season.  

South Beach looking towards Scheveningen

South Beach looking towards Scheveningen
 oil on canvas - 30 x 120 cm
painted on location - 11 July 2023


Made this painting under very windy conditions, thus you can well imagine I was located on a spot protected by strong winds. The white caps on the water and those cloud formations show you what I am talking about.

Monday 31 July 2023

Summer fun at South Beach

 Zomerplezier Zuiderstrand, DH 
oil on canvas - 40 x 100 cm 
painted on location - 7 July 2023


The warmth of the Sun is already feeling fine on the bare skin of the beach goers on this fine summer morning. Still early in the day, the crowds have yet to arrive, these people can enjoy the space to do their thing, weather it be kicking a ball around or taking a dip in the fresh cool water of the North Sea.

Friday 28 July 2023

South Beach, after the storm.

 Zuiderstrand, na de storm
oil on canvas - 60 x 80 cm
painted on location - July 1 2023

private collection Rome, Italy

I'm usually known for my panoramic format seascapes, but as you can see, to my delight,  this format works quite well. Choosing to place the horizon line high up on the canvas the beach becomes dominant in the composition. I like the effects the waves of the recent storm has on this wide beach, sculpting the sands in various shapes and forms, creating all sorts of unexpected heights.  

Monday 24 July 2023

Views and street scenery, Panarea, Aeolian Islands, Sicily



 Two views of  Datillo, oil on canvas board - 15 x 10 cm painted on location - May 2023 € 275 each

Datillo a huge rock vector island not far off the eastern coast of Panarea, with its many hues of yellow and green as a result of its sulfuric content, again no doubt due to volcanic origin. It's amazing how the protruding rocks are formed, due to wind and water erosion. I view these as natural sculptures created by the hand of God. Lovely to paint, especially when the afternoon sunlight is reflecting off the jagged rock edges.



Vetta Panarea,  oil on canvas - 30 x 40 cm, painted on location - May 2023 - € 595

This ascending path, no more than 5 or 6 meters wide is one of the main roads on the island. That's what makes this place special, no automobile traffic whatsoever! Off course there are scooters, 3 wheel motorized carts, and also electric golf carts used mainly as taxi services,  whizzing by, however most transportation is done on foot. I was inspired by the geometric shapes of the buildings and  the play of light was an addition bonus.   


View of Basiluzzo 1, oil on canvas board, 10 x15 cm, € 215

View of Basiluzzo 2, oil on canvas board, 10 x 15 cm, € 215

View of Stromboli with stormy clouds,  oil on canvas board, 10 x 15 cm, € 215

Here you have a spectacular view of the island Stromboli, (an active volcano which, believe it or not, is even populated with a few thousand inhabitants),  and two views of the rock island Basiluzzo. Lovely early spring cloudy skies, makes for interesting subject matter to paint, of which I took full advantage of.

Thursday 29 June 2023

Panarea and its Islands; Dattilo, Lisca Bianca and Basiluzzo


View of Lisca Bianca from the church San Pietro
oil on canvas - 15 x 30 cm
painted on location - 15 May 2023
€ 650

View of Lisca Bianca and Dattilo from terras at Hotel Cincotta
oil on canvas - 15 x 30 cm
painted on location - 14 May 2023
€ 650

View of Lisca Bianca and Dattilo from a cliff above Calcara
oil on canvas - 15 x 30 cm
painted on location -  19 May 2023
€ 650

On a recent working holiday I found myself visiting dear friends on a quaint and beautiful Island off the N/E coast of Sicily.  Panarea (ME) is one of  seven islands which forms The Aeolian Islands Archipelago. This tiny island has spectacular views of the many groups of surrounding islands and rocks that protrude out of the Sea, all of which have volcanic origins.   

View of Lisca Bianca,  Dattilo, Basiluzzo and Stromboli 
oil on canvas - 15 x 30 cm
painted on location -  14 May 2023
€ 650

Here you have a Sea level view, as this is from near the port of  Panarea. Featured is a typical fisherman's boat with its vibrant colors  Also noteworthy is the view of Stromboli on the far left, with its ever present cloud(s) hanging over the peak. This because it is an active volcano, spouting its fiery ashes and rocks and trembling the whole island, about every 24 minutes of the day, non stop all the time. As the winds had been strong due to local stormy weather, the wave action is wonderful to paint.

View of Lisca Bianca and  Dattilo during high winds 
oil on canvas - 15 x 30 cm
painted on location -  14 May 2023
€ 650

I had to take cover as during the making of this painting water was pouring from the sky off and on the whole time. The coloration of the Sea is wild with Earthy tones during these storms and that makes for interesting subject matter. 

Thursday 15 June 2023

Entrance to beach, by beach pavilion Zuid

Ingang naar strand bij strandpaviljoen Zuid
oil on canvas - 40 x 60 cm
painted on location - 4 May 2023


On location nice and early on this one. Personally I much prefer these quite views at the beach. There's a certain meditative quality that I manage to capture as a result. The Dutch flag is hanging at half mask in order to honor the dead who gave their life's for our Freedom.


Sunday 7 May 2023

Beach Entrance #11, WestduinPark, The Hague

Strandslag 11, Westduinpark, DH
oil on canvas - 40 x 120 cm
painted on location - Sat. 15 April and Wed. 19 April 2023


Decided to produce a body of work showing the entrances to the beach and beach pavilions of The Hague. Here you see a glimpse of  Zuid, with its two white flags and the Dutch flag. I like how the path splits in two, one leading to te beach and the other up through the dunes heading towards Schevening. The days are getting warmer, and although you don't see much activity, belief me, it was pretty busy.