oil on canvas,
24 x 30 cm ( 9.5 x 12 in.)
painted on location, late morning, early afternoon
I'm getting my act together, baby! Finally nailed this situation. I roasted in the meantime, but it was well worth it. I'm saying this because two weeks ago I made a little painting of this beach cafe, from another angle, which did not work out. Didn't bother posting it. Unbelievable that this whole situation disappears in the winter months. We are having fantastic weather here, as is clearly visible, on this little oil painting.
Bye for now, and welcome to the newcomers. Don't forget about the Il pittore ARTMILES. Anyone signs up on my mail list as a result of you inviting them to do so, you get an ARTMILE. Accumulate them and get fantastic discounts on eventual purchases, from il pittore.
Until the next painting.
love this scene
reminds me of my years in Schevening
the happines and light bounce off this plein air...bravo!
How come that I only noticed your blog now?! Unbelievable.
Do you mind if I link your blog to mine?
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