Friday, 14 March 2025

Magical Delft Scenery 1


Pittoresk Delft 1
oil on linen - 40 x 50 cm
painted on location - 28.2.25 and 5.3.25

€ 585

Years ago I used to visit Delft quite regularly, making several works on location in small and medium formats, mostly oil paintings but also a variety of sketches in pastels, charcol and ink. It was with great pleasure for me to be back in this lovely quaint city. The location in this painting is actually very well known, it was even featured in a 1979 film by Werner Herzog, called Nosferatu - The Vampire, staring Klaus Kinski.  I was lucky to have this fantastic lighting available, which I noted  made itself available for a brief 20 to 30 minute period in the late afternoon.  

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