Riding Freedom, Bergen Aan Zee, NH
oil on canvas
50 x 40 cm
painted on location, October 2004
365 euros
This painting has been living with me and my family for all this time, not my usual subject, but all the same depicting a scene that occurs with much frequency, especially on desolate strech of beaches. Movement (beweging) is central in this painting. Everything brings forth that idea. Flight of the seaguls, waves breaking, clouds racing across the sky, and of course our lovely pony, says it all.
I heard that you where sick, i do hope that your getting better now, and be as free as this girl asap.
Happy new year Alberto, who knows are we actually gonne meet each other this year!!
HI Rene,
Yes I have "wond roos", maybe you know, otherwise google it. I would be more than willing to come out and join you, once the weather gets better. As I have a kampeerauto, I can sleep in that, so no big deal. I would love to paint some of those boat scenecs along the river with you.
Wow that doesn't sounds good
Alberto, hope you are getting well
soon. I was referring on the
invitation for Jane's exhibition
next month, would be fun to attend.
But your idea is also very
pleasing, so we keep in contact!
Take care, and get well soon!!!
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