Friday, 23 April 2021

Sailing the North Sea


Zeilen op de Noordzee,
oil on canvas - 30 x 150 cm
painted on location - Sun 18 April 2021


For a sailor, when sailing, all that matters is the sea and the sky, the land doesn't concern him. Thus I dedicated this painting to only the sea and the sky. Enough going on in that sky to keep any painter busy for hours, at least. An ideal day to be sailing, plenty of wind and plenty of Sun. If you look closely you will see many variations of green on the water, the sun light determines what color the water will be, clouds of course have an influence as well.  

Winter fun, Schevening beach with airplane

 Winterpret, strand Scheveningen met vliegtuig,
oil on canvas - 30 x 150 cm
painted on location - 29 Jan 2021, reworked in atelier 17 April 2021


Here I am reposting a painting I made on location at the end of January.  The reason is that that Dornier Do-228-212, flown by The Netherlands Coast Guard, was added.  As I mentioned prior,  I'm not too often on this beach, mainly to avoid the large crowds, however winter season is never really that busy, thus quite manageable.  Further developing this new theme of kite surfers I had more than enough models to work from. The sky was dramatic, the wind was strong and the waves were rolling endlessly with a loud roar!  Here below a close up of the airplane. 

Longing for The Warm Summer

oil on canvas - 50 x 150 cm
Painted on location - 01 April 2021 (finished in atelier 14 April 2021)


It is early on a lovely sunny day, I found myself at my beloved location,  and decided to capture again as I have already on many occasions, this picturesque view of our beach in The Hague. You don't see it on the painting but it is still quite cold and together with the wind it feels still rather chilly, thus the title, longing for the warm summer.  to bring across that feeling of warmth, I placed three young ladies running to dip and refresh themselves in the cool water of The North Sea.