Painting for Felix
oil on canvas,
50 x 60 cm
painted on location 2x, (finished in studio from photos)
Private collection, Utrecht
Here you have an example of a comission work. It was rather challenging to give this work a fresh summers look, with a dominant play of light, as both times I went on location, it was anything but a summers day. Very grey on the 1st setting, then on the 2nd attempt, the sun did generously make a 45 minute appearance, however I had to deal with scaffolds(steigers) that were built up covering the whole front and side of the subject. The person who gave me the comission was born and grew up in this house, him and 14 other brothers and sisters. I had only a three week period to complete it, however have promised to paint in some family members, when they could come up with a photo from that time, we are talking approx. 50 years ago. Here you have a picture of the scene and a very early stage of the painting.