A magical moment, on the North Seaoil on canvas
20 x 40 cm
painted on location, Sat 13 Dec 2008
SOLDI got an email early last week informing me that the full moon on Friday evening(12 dec.), was going to be
the biggest and brightest one of the year. On Saturday morning while most people were enjoying the comfort of their warm bed, I was freezing my toes off on the deserted beach, observing and painting my interpretation of this breath taking phenomenon. Aparrently the best time to look is when the Moon is near the horizon. That is when illusion mixes with reality to produce a truly stunning view, and believe me it was amazing. Lucikly there was hardly any wind to hender me, but man was it cold. The Sun, directly behind me, just starting its climb to the zenith, lit up the sky and sea in a most delightful display of warm colors. The sand on the beach is still covered by the shade of the dunes, thus the reason for the dark forground. One could clearly see were the light was coming thru the path leading to the beach, thus casting a rose Naples yellow hue on the shore line(just right of center).